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October 2006 October 2006
Dear Plan Participants: As the Trustees of your Plan, we are pleased to announce the following improvements to your Plan of benefits. Effective back to January 1, 2006, the Plan covers colonoscopies as a medical benefit, whether the colonoscopy is performed as a routine screening, or as recommended by your doctor because of your family history, or because it is deemed to be medically necessary. Keep in mind that payment for this procedure is subject to your deductible and copayments, as listed on your Schedule of Benefits. Effective October 1, 2006, the Plan covers, as part of its Wellness Benefits, immunization of girls and young women ages 13 to 33 to prevent human papillomavirus (HPV), a virus that can cause cervical cancer and other diseases. Effective January 1, 2007, if you elect COBRA continuation coverage on or after January 1, 2007, you will have the choice of continuing coverage for medical and prescription drug benefits only, or of continuing coverage for medical, prescription drug, dental, vision, and hearing benefits. Please call the Fund Office if you have any questions about these benefits. Sincerely, Board of Trustees This announcement contains only highlights of certain features of the North Central Illinois Laborers’ Health and Welfare Fund. Full details are contained in the documents that establish the Plan provisions. If there is a discrepancy between the wording here and the documents that establish the Plan, the document language will govern. The October 2006
Dear HFN Participants: As the Trustees of your Plan, we are pleased to announce that we are eliminating the inpatient and outpatient copayments when you use Hospitals in the HFN EPO network. Effective October 1, 2006, after you meet your individual or family deductible, the Plan will pay 100% of the charges you incur for HFN EPO network Hospital services. You will no longer be required to make a copayment for inpatient or outpatient services you receive from an HFN EPO Hospital. Keep in mind that some services you receive at an HFN EPO Hospital may be covered at the HFN PPO rate or at the out-of-network rate if the provider is not part of the HFN EPO Hospital. This could occur if the laboratory providing certain tests or services through the HFN EPO Hospital is not part of that Hospital. You should check with the Hospital billing department when tests are ordered. Also, a Physician’s services are never covered at the 100% rate, because the HFN EPO benefits include only HFN EPO Hospital services. Therefore, you will be billed for Physicians’ services at either the HFN PPO network rate or at the out-of-network rate when a Physician provides services in connection with your HFN EPO Hospital stay or for outpatient services you receive at the HFN EPO Hospital. Enclosed is a Schedule of Benefits that summarizes your benefits. Sincerely, Board of Trustees This announcement contains only highlights of certain features of the North Central Illinois Laborers’ Health and Welfare Fund. Full details are contained in the documents that establish the Plan provisions. If there is a discrepancy between the wording here and the documents that establish the Plan, the document language will October 2006
Dear Welfare Fund Participant: Women’s Health & Cancer Rights Act Notice The Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act requires that we notify you annually that the medical options offered under the North Central Illinois Laborers’ Health & Welfare Fund Plan provide coverage for the following after a covered mastectomy:
Coverage will be subject to the same annual deductible, coinsurance and/or co-payment provisions, and other limitation and exclusions applicable under the Plan. This information can also be found on Page 19, Item 5 of the North Central Illinois Laborers’ Health & Welfare Fund’s Summary Plan Description, 2002 edition. Reminder of Your Privacy Protections The Federal law known as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires that the Plan provide you with a Notice of Privacy Practices. When HIPAA first required it, the Plan provided you with this notice, which describes how the Plan uses and discloses your protected health information, and discusses important federal rights that you have with respect to your protected health information. If you would like to see or obtain another copy of the Plan’s HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices, it is available at the Fund Office. Please contact the Plan’s Administrative Manager at the above address to request a copy. Sincerely, Board of Trustees Notice of Creditable Coverage
North Central Illinois Laborers’ Health and Welfare Fund Important Information about Your Prescription Drug Benefits and Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage This Notice has information about:
The North Central Illinois Laborers Health and Welfare Fund provides prescription drug coverage for Medicare-eligible participants who are active employees or dependents of active employees. The Fund also provides prescription drug coverage for retirees who are not yet eligible for Medicare and retirees’ dependents who are not yet eligible for Medicare. If you are in one of these categories, you do not need to join a Medicare Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage As of January 1, 2006, prescription drug coverage became available to everyone with Medicare (receiving Part A or enrolled in Part B) through Medicare Prescription Drug Plans. Most people must pay a monthly premium for Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage. For people with limited income and assets, extra help paying for If you are entitled to Medicare Part A or enrolled in Medicare Part B, you may enroll for Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage when you first become eligible for Medicare, and each year after that between November 15 and December 31. If you lose or drop prescription drug coverage under the North Central Illinois Laborers’ Health and Welfare Fund, you may be eligible for a Special Enrollment Period to sign up for Medicare Your Existing Coverage Is as Good As Standard Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage The Trustees have determined that your existing Plan prescription drug benefits are, on average, “creditable coverage,” which means the North Central Illinois Laborers’ Health and Welfare Fund coverage is expected to pay as much in claims for all participants (or more in some cases) as standard Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage. Because your current prescription drug benefits with the North Central Illinois Laborers’ Health and Welfare Fund, on average, are as good as Medicare standard coverage, you can choose to stay covered under the North Central Illinois Laborers’ Health and Welfare Fund and not be subject to a higher premium penalty if you join a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan later. Keep this Notice. If you do not enroll for Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage when you are first eligible, then when you later enroll you will need a copy of this Notice. This Notice verifies that you have creditable coverage and that you are not required to pay a higher premium penalty. Your Choices and the Consequences You should compare your current coverage, including which medications are covered, with the coverage and cost of the Medicare Prescription Drug Plans in your area. Different Prescription Drug Plans cover different brand name medications, have different deductibles, coinsurance or copayments, and charge different premiums. If you do not enroll for Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage, you will continue be eligible to receive your current prescription drug benefits under the North Central Illinois Laborers’ Health and Welfare Fund (as long as you are otherwise eligible to continue Plan coverage). If you enroll for Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage, you will continue to be eligible to receive prescription drug coverage under the North Central Illinois Laborers’ Health and Welfare Fund. Remember that for most people there is a monthly premium for Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage. Note: If you drop or lose your coverage with the North Central Illinois Laborers’ Health and Welfare Fund and do not enroll for Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage after your current coverage ends, you may pay more to enroll in Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage later. If you go 63 days or longer without prescription drug coverage that is at least as good as Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage, your monthly premium for Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage will increase. The increase will be 1% per month for every month that you were eligible for but did not have coverage. For example, if you go 19 months without coverage, your monthly premium will always be 19% higher than what most other people pay. You will have to pay this higher premium penalty as long as you have Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage. In addition, you may have to wait For More Information About Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage More detailed information about Medicare plans that offer Prescription Drug Coverage is available in the“Medicare and You” handbook that Medicare publishes each fall and sends to Medicare beneficiaries. When you become eligible for Medicare, you may be contacted directly by Medicare Prescription Drug Plans. You can also obtain more information about Medicare Prescription Drug Plans from the following resources:
If you have any questions about this Notice or would like more information about your prescription drug benefits under the North Central Illinois Laborers’ Health and Welfare Fund, please call the Administrative Manager at 309-692-0860 or 866-692-0860. In the future, North Central Illinois Laborers’ Health and Welfare Fund will periodically send you an updated copy of this Notice for your records. You also may request a copy of this Notice at any time by contacting the Administrative Manager at 309-692-0860 or 866-692-0860. Date: November 2006 Unit 3 Peoria, Illinois 61615-2467 Benefits under North Central Illinois Laborers Health and Welfare Fund are not vested or guaranteed. They may be modified, reduced, or terminated at any time, as specified in the legal documents that establish the Plan. 354094v1/05139.001 October 2006 Dear Plan Participants: 1. On page 44, the title of the Eligibility for Retiree Benefits section on page 44 has changed to the following: 2. The following sentence is added after the introductory paragraph on page 44 and the information box on that page has changed as follows: Retiree means a person who: 1) Is receiving a pension from the Central Laborers’ Pension Fund or another Fund that has entered into an agreement with the Central Laborers’ Pension Fund (and submits proof of the pension); 2) Has made the first payment for Retiree Benefits under this Plan; and 3) Meets the other eligibility requirements for Retiree Benefits. 3. The last paragraph of the section entitled Eligibility for Retiree Benefits before the example in that section on page 44 is changed to the following: 4. The Return to Work by Retiree section on page 46 is replaced with the following: Non-Disabled Retiree You will be covered as an active employee if you return to work after retirement and work sufficient hours for active coverage. You do not need to make self-payments for Retiree Benefits when you are receiving this active coverage. If you are receiving an early, regular, or service pension, and you are making self-payments for Retiree Benefits, you may choose to return to work. Your pension benefit may be suspended when you return to work, in accordance with the rules of the Pension Plan. If you work sufficient hours to qualify for active coverage when you return to work, you do not need to continue self-payments for retiree coverage to the When you return to work and you are covered as an active employee, you may again accumulate enough hours for one quarter of coverage in the Reserve Bank. When your eligibility as an active employee ends again and you re-retire, you may receive Retiree Benefits again by making self- payments at the retiree rate. You will not be allowed to make payments at the active rate upon your re- retirement as you did upon your initial retirement. Instead, you will be required to resume payments at the retiree rate that is in effect at the time you retire again. The hours in your Reserve Bank may be used If you are eligible for the Retiree Pre-Funded Subsidy Allowance, you will again be credited with it to help offset the cost of Retiree Benefits when you re-retire. If your initial Retiree Benefits began on or after March 1, 2002, you must meet all of the requirements for the subsidy and you must complete three years with active contributions of 1,000 hours each fiscal year as an Eligibility A Employee during your If you did not elect or make any self-payments for Retiree Benefits when you initially retired and began receiving a pension, and then you returned to work, you will be treated as though you are retiring for the first time when you re-retire. This means that at your re-retirement, you will be covered under the section entitled Initial Eligibility for Retiree Benefits. Disabled Retiree If you were disabled and you recover and return to work, and you were making self-payments for Retiree Benefits, you are not required to continue to make self-payments for Retiree Benefits after the date you earn regular eligibility under the Plan for active Participants. You may accumulate hours in the Reserve Bank when you return to work that will be credited in the same manner as under the initial retirement rules. You will be treated as though you are retiring for the first time when you re-retire. This means that at your re-retirement, you will be covered under the section entitled Initial Eligibility for Retiree Benefits. Please call the Fund Office if you have any questions about Retiree benefits. Sincerely, This announcement contains only highlights of certain features of the North Central Illinois Laborers’ Health and Welfare Fund. Full details are contained in the documents that establish the Plan provisions. If there is a discrepancy between the wording here and the documents that establish the Plan, the document language will govern. The Trustees reserve the right to amend, modify, or terminate the Plan at any time. July 1 2006 June 2006 May 2006 Dear Welfare Fund Participant: Please be advised that the Summary Plan Description (2002 Edition) of the North Central IL Laborers’ Health & Welfare Fund was amended effective April 20, 2006 as follows: The second paragraph of the Vision Care Benefit Section on page 32 that lists covered vision care expenses is deleted and replaced with the following: Covered vision care expenses include charges for:
Please note that the $200 vision care benefit is payable to you and each of your eligible dependents once every 24 consecutive months. The fourth bullet point on page 35 of the SPD under the heading “Major Care Dental Services - Coverage C” has now been changed to read
If you have any questions about these changes, please contact the Fund office. Please keep this letter in the front pocket of your SPD booklet for future reference. Sincerely, May 2006 Dear Welfare Fund Participant: In March of 2006 you received a notice and explanation of a recent amendment to the Coordination of Benefits section on page 59-60 and in the Eligibility Rules section on page 7 of the Summary Plan Description and Plan Document. For purposes of clarification, please be advised that this amendment does not change the current rule of page 4 of the Summary Plan Description, which states that:
As a result, your spouse’s employer’s plan must still subsidize 75% or more of the cost of your spouse’s single coverage and your spouse’s employer’s plan must offer all employees “the same maximum benefits” as set forth in the recently adopted amendment. The term “the same maximum benefits” means that the Dependent’s employer’s plan must offer the same insurance options to all of its employees. For example, a plan does not offer the same maximum benefits to all its employees if the plan automatically enrolls a participant in a wraparound plan because the Dependent has other coverage. Please retain this letter in the front pocket of your SPD Booklet for future reference. Sincerely, Board of Trustees April 2006 March 2006 March 2006 Dear Welfare Fund Participant: The Board of Trustees hereby adopts the following amendments to the Summary Plan Description (2002 Edition) and Plan Document: 1. Effective February 1, 2006, all references in the Summary Plan Description to Medical Group Insurance Services, Inc. (MGIS) are changed to Group Administrators, Ltd. The address will change to 6838 East State Street, 2nd Floor, Rockford, Illinois 61108; the P.O. Box will remain the same; the toll-free telephone number will remain as 1-800-249-7947; the direct telephone number will change to 1-815-399-0800; and the fax number will change to 1-815-399-5773. 2. Effective January 1, 2006, the following exclusion is added to page 31 to conform the SPD to the SavRx contract formulary and to clarify that weight loss medications have never been covered by the Plan:
Please retain this letter in the front pocket of your SPD booklet for future reference. Sincerely, Board of Trustees March 2006 Dear Welfare Fund Participant: The Board of Trustees hereby adopts the following amendments to the Summary Plan Description (2002 Edition) and the Plan Document:
Please retain this letter in the front pocket of your SPD Booklet for future reference. Sincerely, Board of Trustees March 2006 Dear Welfare Fund Participant: Please be advised that the Summary Plan Description (2002 Edition) of the North Central Illinois Laborers’ Health & Welfare Fund was amended as follows: Effective April 21, 2005, the section entitled The Plan’s Use and Disclosure of Your Protected Health Information (PHI) that begins on page 69 of the Summary Plan Description is modified by adding a subsection at the end as follows: The Plan’s Protection of the Security of Your PHI
Please retain this letter in the front pocket of your SPD booklet for future reference. Sincerely, Board of Trustees
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![]() 4208 W. Partridge Way Unit 3 Peoria, IL 61615 Telephone: 309.692-0860 Toll Free: 866.692-0860 Facsimile: 309.692-0862 email: ncil@ncil.us |