News Archives 2005
December 2005
Dear Participant:
Effective January 1, 2006, the Board of Trustees has enhanced the Members’ Assistance Program (MAP) through Health Management Center, Inc. (HMC). If you elected Blue Cross Blue Shield or HFN medical coverage, we are pleased to tell you that MAP will provide easier access and better benefits than before.
Easier Access
To receive benefits for mental health treatment or treatment for substance abuse, you must call HMC to pre-certify treatment. Call HMC toll free at (800) 472-4992. This number is printed on your ID card.
If you are currently receiving counseling or treatment, call HMC directly to discuss how this new program will work for you. The first five sessions with a MAP counselor are free. If you need additional help, the MAP counselor will direct you to a provider in the HMC network, if necessary. HMC will assist you in getting the help you need, pre-certify mental health or substance abuse treatment, monitor your care, and assist you with the claims process.
Keep in mind that HMC:
Has a large national network of providers;
Has negotiated reduced rates for services from network providers;
Has a clinical person on the Help Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (24/7); and
Keeps all assistance confidential.
EAP services can help you in any of these areas:
- Behavioral and School Issues
- Risk Assessment for Dangerous Behavior
- Work stress
- Emotional Health Issues
The attached sheet compares the new program with the benefits under the old program. If you have any questions about these changes, please call the Fund Office at (866) 692-0860.
The Board of Trustees
Improved Benefits
The table below compares your new and prior MAP benefits. All care must be medically necessary and based on the discounted rates that HMC providers would charge. All day or session limits are for the calendar year.
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment
Prior MAP Benefit
New MAP Benefit
The Plan pays the percentage below after any applicable deductibles and copayments.
Inpatient Benefits Network Provider
The Plan pays For up to
80% 30 days per year for mental and $8,000 for substance abuse |
80% of HMC rates30 days per year |
Out-of-Network Provider
The Plan pays For up to
60% 30 days per year |
50% of HMC rates15 days per year |
Day Treatment or Partial Hospital Benefits Network Provider The Plan pays For up to
Counts as ½ of a hospital day |
80% of HMC rates30 sessions per year |
Out-of-Network Provider The Plan pays For up to
50% of HMC rates15 sessions per year |
Outpatient Benefits Network Provider The Plan pays For up to
60%, after deductible
30 days for mental and $2,000 for substance abuse |
80% of HMC rates
30 visits per year |
Out-of-Network Provider The Plan pays For up to
40%, after deductible
30 days for mental and $2,000 for substance abuse |
50% of HMC rates
15 visits per year |
December 2005
Dear Participant:
Effective January 1, 2006 the Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the CustomCareRx program offered by Sav-Rx Prescription Services. CustomCareRx is designed to help members who are living with specific, complex health conditions. A complete list of these conditions can be found on the back of this letter.
Starting in January, if you are currently taking certain medications you may be identified as a potential candidate and receive additional communication from CustomCareRx introducing and welcoming you to the program.
At this time CustomCareRx is optional for participants living with one of the conditions listed on the back of this letter. If you choose to participate, CustomCareRx has a dedicated and specialized team of patient care coordinators, nurses, doctors and pharmacists who work closely with you to:
- Answer any questions you might have;
- Guide you through therapy options available to you and the benefits and adverse effects of each option;
- Make sure you get the medication, supplies, equipment and services that you need;
- Help you coordinate between all companies and people involved in your care including your medical coverage, prescription coverage, physicians and other healthcare providers;
- Help you monitor your health and assist you in managing symptoms and side effects; and
- Re-evaluate and customize your therapy and support based on your needs.
If you have any questions or if you are currently living with one of the conditions listed, you can call CustomCareRx at 1-800-876-1632 and they will provide additional information or start helping you immediately.
Board of Trustees
North Central Illinois Laborers’
Health and Welfare Fund
CustomCareRx can assist you in improving your health and overall quality of life if you are currently living with one of the following conditions:
Fabry's Disease
Gaucher's Disease
Hepatitis C
Organ Transplant
Multiple Sclerosis
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Psoriatic Arthritis
Pulmonary Fibrosis
Cystic Fibrosis
Cervical Dystonia
Somatropin Deficiency Syndrome
Chronic Renal Disease
IVIG Therapy due to:
Autoimmune Neuromuscular Disorders
Autoimmune Diabetic Neuropathy
Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP)
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Myesthenia Gravis
Immunological Disorders
Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID)
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID)
Wiskott-Aldich Syndrome
X-Linked Agammaglobulinemia (XLA)
July 26, 2005
Dear Welfare Fund Participant:
Please be advised that the Summary Plan Description (2002 Edition) of the North Central Illinois Laborers’ Health & Wealth Fund was amended effective March 1, 2005:
Effective March 1, 2005, the Out-of-Area Benefit Section of the Summary Plan Description that was added to the Plan by Amendment No. 2 is deleted and replaced with the following:
Out-of-Area Benefit
If a network provider is not available within 35 miles of your residence and, as a result, you use the services of a non-network provider:
- The Plan will pay your benefits at 80% rather than the percentage listed on your Schedule of Benefits for Out-of-Network services; and
- Your deductible for Out-of-Area benefits will be $300.
If you have any questions about this change, please contact the Fund Office.
Please keep this letter in the front pocket of your SPD booklet for future reference.
Board of Trustees
North Central Illinois Laborers’ Health & Welfare Fund
July 26, 2005
Dear Welfare Fund Participant:
Please be advised that the Summary Plan Description (2002 Edition) of the North Central Illinois Laborers’ Health & Welfare Fund was amended effective July 21, 2005 as follows:
1. Effective July 21, 2005, Medical Benefit Exclusion #5 on page 27 of the Summary Plan Description is deleted and replaced with the following:
5) Charges for services received as a result of Injury or Sickness caused by or contributed to by engaging in an illegal act or occupation; by committing or attempting to commit any crime, criminal act, or felonious act. The lack of a conviction or issuance of a citation by a law enforcement body is not conclusive as to whether or not the charges for services were caused by or contributed to by engaging in an illegal act.
2. Effective July 21, 2005, Medical Benefit Exclusions #6 through 45 on page 27-28 of the Summary Plan Description are renumbered as Medical Benefit Exclusions #7 through 46 and a new Medical Benefit Exclusion #6 is added as follows:
6) Treatment of Injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident is excluded where there is sufficient evidence that the accident was a result of the claimant’s Blood Alcohol Content (B.A.C.) being at a level proscribed by the law of the state where the act occurred or was a result of the claimant’s illegal drug use. A breathalyzer, blood or urine test result that the claimant’s B.A.C. was prohibited by the law of the state where said motor vehicle accident occurred or that the claimant was utilizing an illegal drug at the time of the motor vehicle accident will be considered objective and conclusive evidence that alcohol or illegal drug use was a contributing cause of the Injury or Illness resulting from the motor vehicle accident. The claimant’s failure to take a breathalyzer, blood or urine test, or the lack of a conviction or issuance of a citation by a law enforcement body is not conclusive as to whether or not the alcohol or illegal drug use as a contributing cause of the injury.
3. Effective July 21, 2005, Loss of Time Benefit Exclusion #5 on page 40 of the Summary Plan Description is deleted and replaced with the following:
5) Disability that is due to Injuries or Illnesses resulting directly or indirectly in the commission of or by engaging in an illegal act or occupation; by committing or attempting to commit any crime, criminal act, or felonious act. The lack of a conviction or issuance of a citation by a law enforcement body is not conclusive as to whether or not the charges for services were caused by or contributed to by engaging in an illegal act.
4. Effective July 21, 2005, Loss of Time Benefit Exclusions #6 and 7 on page 40 of the Summary Plan Description are renumbered as Loss of Time Benefit Exclusions #7 and 8 and a new Medical Benefit Exclusion #6 is added as follows:
6) Treatment of Injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident is excluded where there is sufficient evidence that the accident was a result of the claimant’s Blood Alcohol Content (B.A.C.) being at a level proscribed by the law of the state where the act occurred or was a result of the claimant’s illegal drug use. A breathalyzer, blood or urine test result that the claimant’s B.A.C. was prohibited by the law of the state where said motor vehicle accident occurred or that the claimant was utilizing an illegal drug at the time of said motor vehicle accident will be considered objective and conclusive evidence that alcohol or illegal drug use as a contributing cause of the Injury or Illness resulting from the motor vehicle accident. The claimant’s failure to take a breathalyzer, blood or urine test, or the lack of a conviction or issuance of a citation by a law enforcement body is not conclusive as to whether or not the alcohol or illegal drug use was a contributing cause of the injury.
If you have any questions about this change, please contact the Fund Office.
Please keep this letter in the front pocket of your SPD booklet for future reference.
Board of Trustees
North Central Illinois Laborers’ Health & Welfare Fund
July 26, 2005
Dear Welfare Fund Participant:
Please be advised that the Summary Plan Description (2002 Edition) of the North Central Illinois Laborers’ Health & Welfare Fund was anmended effective January 1, 2005 as follows:
Retiree means a person who:
- Is receiving a pension from:
The Central Laborers’ Pension Fund, or
Another Fund that has entered into an agreement with the Central Laborers’ Pension Fund (and submits proof of the pension), and
Meets the other eligibility requirements for Retiree Benefits.
Eligibility for Retiree Benefits
You (as a Retiree) and your Dependents are eligible for Retiree benefits if you:
- retire after reaching age 53, but before age 65 or at any age if your are disabled;
- exhaust your four quarterly self-payments at the active rate of insurance, including the use of the maximum hour bank accumulation of one quarter of coverage as one or a portion of one of your self-payments;
- submit proof that you are receiving a pension from Central Laborers’ Pension Fund or another pension fund that has entered into an agreement with the Central Laborers’ Pension Fund;
- have been eligible under Eligibility A for at least 10 consecutive years under either or both consecutively the Central Laborers’ Health and Welfare Fund (only years prior to July 1, 2003 will be credited for this purpose) and the North Central Illinois Laborers’ Health and Welfare Fund immediately before the effective date of your pension;
- are not eligible for Medicare; and
- make proper and timely self-payments to the Health and Welfare Fund for your coverage.
The Fund will not accept late payments for Retiree benefit coverage. If you do not make timely self-payments, your Retiree benefit coverage will be terminated and will not be reinstated.
You are permitted to make four (4) quarterly self-payments for coverage at the active rate of insurance and then you may continue your coverage as a Retiree by making quarterly payments at the Retiree rate of coverage after you have exhausted your four quarterly payments at the active rate of insurance.
You are permitted to accumulate a maximum of one quarter of coverage in your hour bank. You may use your hour bank as payment or partial payment for your first quarterly self-payment at the active rate of insurance. After you exhaust your hour bank, you are eligible to make three (3) additional self-payments at the active rate of insurance.
After you exhaust your four (4) quarterly self-payments at the active rate of insurance, the Fund Office will send you notice of your eligibility for Retiree benefits. The Fund will verify that you were an Eligibility A Plan participant and that you are receiving a pension from the Central Laborers’ Pension Fund or another Fund that has entered into an agreement with the Central Laborers’ Pension Fund. You must make the first required quarterly self-payment for Retiree Benefits within 25 days of the date of the letter from the Fund Office informing you of your right to make Retiree self-payments.
The Trustees determine, from time to time, the amount of self-payments for coverage. You are required to make self-payments on a quarterly basis for Retiree benefits. To maintain coverage, you must make quarterly payments on or before the first day of the quarter (January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1).
July 26, 2005
Dear Welfare Fund Participant:
Please be advised that the Summary Plan Description (2002 Edition) of the North Central Illinois Laborers’ Health & Welfare Fund was amended effective January 1, 2005 as follows:
Effective January 1, 2005, the Definition of Dependent on page 71 is deleted and replaced with the following:
Dependent means:
- your lawful spouse;
- your unmarried child, as child is defined on page 72, who:
- is under the age of 19; and
- has a principal place of residence with your for more than one-half of the calendar year; and
- is dependent upon you for more than one-half of his or her support for the calendar year; and
- if the child is under your legal guardianship, the child must have a principal place of residence with you and be a member of your household for the entire calendar year;
- an unmarried child who is under the age of 23 and is enrolled as a full-time student in an accredited education institution, as defined by that institution, as long as the child:
- has a principal place of residence with you for more than one-half of the calendar year; and
- is dependent upon you for more than one-half of his or her support for the calendar year; and
- if the child is under your legal guardianship, the child must have a principal place of residence with you and be a member of your household for the entire calendar year
Upon request of the Plan, proof of full-time student status is to be furnished from time to time, but in no event more frequently than once per semester. The Participant is responsible for notifying the Plan when a Dependent is no longer a full-time student.
If proper notice is not provided, the Plan will have the right to retroactively terminate coverage on the date full-time student status ceased, and recover an amount equal to the Usual and Customary Charge for services provided following such date. A child who is away at school is considered to reside with you if the child maintains a principal place of resident with you (this means that the child uses your residence for mail purposes and resides with you there during non-school time) for the required portion of the calendar year; and
- your unmarried child who does not live with you, provided that:
- the child’s parents are: 1) divorced or legally separated under a decree of divorce or separate maintenance; 2) separated under a written separation agreement; or 3) live apart at all times during the last six months of the calendar year;
- the child’s parents provide over one-half of the child’s support; and
- the child is in the custody of one or both of his or her parents for more than one-half of the calendar year;
- your unmarried child who is permanently or totally disabled, which means that the child is unable to engage in any gainful activity by reason of a medically determinable physical or mental impairment that is expected to result in death or last for a continuous period of 12 months or more who:
- is dependent upon you for more than one-half of his or her support for the calendar year;
- resides with you for more than one-half of the calendar year (for the entire year for a child under your legal guardianship); and
- is dependent upon you for lifetime care and supervision; and
- who was considered to be handicapped upon reaching age 19.
- Upon request by the Plan, you may be required to furnish proof of such incapacity and dependency from time to time, but in no event more frequently than once a year.
- your child who is named as an alternate recipient of a Qualified Medical Child Support Order (QMCSO) approved by the Board of Trustees. Procedures for qualifying Medical Child Support Orders are available from the Health and Welfare Fund Office at no cost;
- For purposes of this definition of Dependent, a child includes your unmarried:
- newborn child whose coverage becomes effective at birth if you enroll the newborn as a Dependent. If enrollment does not occur within 31 days of birth, the coverage effective date will be postponed until the first day of the month following the date you apply for the newborn’s coverage;
- child who is placed with you for adoption or legally adopted and resides with you;
- step-child for whom you have completed the Fund’s Dependent Eligibility Affidavit; or
- child for whom you have been appointed legal guardian, provided the Plan has been presented with the order appointing guardianship, including grandchildren.
If you have any questions about this change, please contact the Fund Office.
Please keep this letter in the front pocket of your SPD booklet for future reference.
Board of Trustees
North Central Illinois Laborers’ Health & Welfare Fund
February 1, 2005
Dear Welfare Fund Participant:
Please be advised that the Summary Plan Description (2002 Edition) of the North Central Illinois Laborers Health & Welfare Fund was amended effective January 1, 2005 as follows:
The third paragraph on page 25 of the SPD under the heading "Wellness, Preventive, Well-Child and Well-Baby Care Benefit” has now been changed to read
Physical examinations that are for purposes of meeting employment requirements will be covered by the Plan, but only if they are performed as part of the annual physical examinations. Such examinations will be subject to the benefit limitations in the Schedule of Benefits for wellness expense and will be subject to the provisions governing the Plan’s use and disclosure of your protected health information on page 69 of this booklet. These examinations must be performed in conjunction with an annual physical examination.
Effective January 1, 2005, Exclusion No. 8 on page 26 in the Wellness, Preventive, Well-Child and Well-Baby Care Benefit section is deleted and replaced as follows:
Examinations for the issuance of marriage licenses, insurance policies, maintenance of valid licenses or other ancillary examinations, under the examination is necessary to meet employment requirements.
If you have any questions about this change, please contact the Fund Office. Please keep this letter in the front pocket of your SPD booklet for future reference.
Board of Trustees
North Central Illinois Laborers’ Health & Welfare Fund